Hosted by beloved TV personality Jessi Cruikshank, every week six new hopefuls battle it out in front of a studio audience. In the series finale, eight finalists go head to head to earn the title of Canada’s Smartest Person.
Want to know how you measure up against the competitors? The Canada’s Smartest Person app allows viewers to test their own wits during the broadcast. Viewers can see how they compare to the competitors in studio as well as family members and friends in real time. It’s one of the world’s most sophisticated play-along experiences.
In its first season, Canada’s Smartest Person became the number one rated new Canadian television series and was the only Canadian format to be nominated for the prestigious Golden Screen Award for most popular reality series.
The format is an international success story and has been sold in over fifteen territories. As an original Canadian format being adapted the world, Canada’s Smartest Person is breaking new ground.